Air Curtains



Air Curtains are made to save energy, orevent loss of cooling, thermal transaction & strict barriers to insects, dust and odour.

Salient Features: Application Zone: Standards On Environmental Protection
  • Easy to Install
  • Zero Vibration
  • Low Noise Level
  • Sleek & Compact Design
  • Available In Decent Colours
  • Dynamically Balanced Impeller
  • Heavy Duty Dual Shaft Electric Motor
  • Food & Beverages
  • Breweries & Frozen Food Plants
  • Food Plazas and Hotel
  • Air Conditioned Showroom
  • Hospital and Nursing Home
  • Pharma Industries
  • Shopping Malls & Commercial Buildings
  • Dust Rejection : 80% – 90%
  • Fumes / Gas Rejection : 80% – 90%
  • Insects Rejection : 70% – 80%
  • Unwanted Air Rejection : 80% – 90%
Electric Motor Specification
Models Size in mm Suitable
Door Height
H.P.(Amp.) RPM Current No. of Blowers Max. Velocity
(At Nozzles)
CAAC/1 900 7 pt. 0.25×1 1440 0.75 2 14-16 m/sec.
CAAC/2 1050 7 pt. 0.25×1 1440 0.80 2 14-16 m/sec.
CAAC/3 1200 7 pt. 0.25×1 1440 1.00 2 14-16 m/sec.
CAAC/4 1500 7 pt. 0.25×1 1440 0.80×2 2 14-16 m/sec.
Custom Built Air Curtains With High Air Velocity (Upto 20 m/sec) & Size are provided if required.


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